The "No Network is 100% Secure" series
- The Security Expertise Shortage -
A White Paper
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Easyrider LAN Pro, NOC Design Consultants
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Predictions about IT challenges in 2010:
1. 2010 should be the year that organizations begin to seriously focus on the recruiting,
training and retention of cyber security professionals. One of the critical and
growing problems IT Managers face is the shrinking pool of technical cyber-security
talent. There is more and more evidence (anecdotal though it may be) that
organizations with weak security skills simply cannot protect their systems and
information from the current level of hacker and attacker skills. A recent report by
Booz Allen Hamilton stated that "the pipeline of potential new talent is inadequate"
and that "there are concerns that America is not developing enough IT experts,
creating labor shortages in both the public and private sector." In the public sector
the 'retirement-bubble' we've been hearing about for a couple of years now is becoming
very real and we need to begin growing the next generation of cyber-security experts
now. We also need to better utilize the already skilled aging workforce that is
currently viewed as being "too old" by many not terribly bright Managers and
organizations. In many cases, companies are offering early retirement to get
rid of exactly the skilled Engineers they are going to need to meet these new
challenges moving forward. Despite the economic and funding difficulties facing
most organizations, those who choose ignore this issue do so at their own great peril.
2. Social Media -- It's not just a fad anymore. It's a fundamental shift in the way we
communicate. I think by now we all understand that the security issues around social
media aren't so much technical in nature but are, well, Social. Because social media
is all about the weakest link and hardest to control aspect of the security chain
(people), phishing and the growing array of tactics cyber-criminals use to exploit,
dupe and deceive will continue to expand. So, while the traditional hackers are still
out there (see prediction 5), cyber criminals have figured out that it's easier to
just let us hack ourselves. The result will be a vast increase in the number of
incidents related to loss of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and
consequently, new and more regulations for both business and government to protect
PII and other sensitive data.
3. Critical Infrastructure -- There will be increasing
discussions, initiatives and government compliance mandates on private sector
companies operating critical infrastructure such as power generation, power
distribution, water distribution, and others. See our
Aurora White Paper for details. Actions might even include intervention
or granting of emergency authority. There's been too much media coverage to continue
ignoring these threats. The same security deficiencies we see every day in our home
and work
computers are vulnerabilities that can impact control systems within the nation's
critical infrastructure arena. And even though some may consider it hyperbole
no one can deny that the attack surface is growing. In my opinion, it is becoming
increasingly likely that the next terrorist or foreign Government attack on
America will be targeted at SCADA systems that control vital functions such as the power
grid or air traffic control. The federal government will likely begin discussing
the lack of comprehensive oversight in these areas and will address it with new
regulations requiring stringent and more frequent audits and more security controls
among other things.
4. Security in the Cloud. Managed security services (MSS) in the cloud is
currently not yet anywhere near where it should be. However, I believe it will
receive much more attention as security companies continue to expand their service
offerings. Budgets are going in the wrong direction and organizations simply can't
afford to ignore the significant savings afforded by consolidation and outsourcing
to cloud solutions. Email hygiene (anti-spam filtering and anti-virus scanning) is a
good example of a relatively low risk solution that works well in the cloud. MSS
for IDS/IPS monitoring, vulnerability scanning, and web application scanning start
to look like very rational decisions when the budgets are decreasing and internal
staffing is down or the skill of the staff isn't adequate (see prediction 1).
5. Cyber Crime. Hackers writing viruses, hackers breaking into systems by
circumventing security controls, hackers compromising the integrity of data, and
hackers causing cyber vandalism are still out there and still doing their dirty
deeds. This type of computer hacking however tends to fall into a different category
than the new era of cyber criminal whose sole motivation is money. The bad news about
these cyber criminals is that you can't simply call them opportunists because they are
both creative and smart, and the one thing that hasn't changed throughout human
history is that criminals congregate where the money is. Cyber criminals are no
different and as long as the barriers to entry remain low (they are) and the risk
of getting caught is almost zero (it is), cyber-crime is going to blossom. While the
on-line economy grows, so do the cyber crime opportunities.
2010 will see continued growth in crime and the exploitation of people through
social media technologies that allow cyber criminals to prey on all
of us by means of credit card fraud, phishing, identity theft, and distribution of
child pornography. Crimeware such as keystroke loggers and those programs that
steal passwords and compromise web browsers that then point to fake websites are
the cyber crime du jour. Ransomware is a particularly nasty form of cyber crime
where victim's computers are infected, the data and/or files are encrypted and
the victims are forced to pay a ransom for the encryption key. A new variation
of Ransomware adds a twist that blocks internet access and requires the victim
to send a text message (at a premium rate of course) for the code to free the data.
The Cloud will get worse before it gets better. But it will get better. The Cloud
is going to win. It's faster. It's better. It's
cheaper. But there are security issues, and they're not simply the sort of problems
that can be worked out by taking a CIO out to lunch and promising everything's
going to be OK. Genuine, technical security faults in cloud technology will garner
a huge amount of attention. The faults will eventually be addressed, because
existing investments are so very high.
About the Author
Frank Saxton is a computer network security engineer and Easyrider LAN Pro principle.
Home-based in Portland, Oregon, Frank has been designing remote diagnostic and
network enterprise monitoring centers since the late 1970s. Prior to becoming a
professional systems engineering consultant in 1990, Frank had a 20 year career
in computer systems field engineering and field engineering management. Frank
has a BSEE from Northeastern University and holds several certifications including
Network General's Certified Network Expert (CNX). As a NOC design engineer and
architect, Frank works regularly with enterprise-class monitoring tools such as
HP Openview Operations, BMC Patrol and others. In his enterprise security
audit work, Frank uses sniffers and other professional grade monitoring tools on a
daily basis.
Next in the security white paper series:
How Cyber Criminals will mature over the next ten years
Are you vulnerable to drive-by exploits?
IT employment challenges of the 21st century
Competency Certifications White Paper
ISO/IEC 27005:2008 Standard for Security Risk Management
High value sites recent hacks
Still more 2009 hacks in the news
OpenID White Paper
Employment reference checking white paper
Firewall White Paper
Password White Paper
Digital Identification Certificates White Paper
Virus White Paper
Ghostnet White Paper
Cryptography White Paper
Intrusion Detection Systems IDS White Paper
Rootkit White Paper
Unnecessary Windows XP Services White Paper
Scareware White Paper
Exaflood Internet Brownout White Paper
Cloud Computing White Paper
Proxy Server White Paper
Personal Computer PC Security White Paper
Phishing White Paper
DNS Poisoning White Paper
Conficker White Paper
SPAM White Paper
Best Practices White Paper
Denial of Service DoS White Paper
Trojan Virus Attacks White Paper
Port Scanning White Paper
Monitoring Basics 101 White Paper
Monitoring Basics 102 White Paper
Monitoring Basics 103 White Paper
Virtual Machine Security White Paper
Aurora vulnerability White Paper
Shelfware White Paper
Outsourcing White Paper
Easyrider LAN Pro Consulting services:
Network Security Audit and PC Tune-up service
- Proxy server installation and configuration
- Enterprise security consultations
- Disaster recovery planning
- Disaster recovery services
- Capacity, migration and upgrade planning
- Build and deploy central syslog server
- Build trouble ticket systems
- Design and build monitoring environments
- Design and build Network Operations Centers (NOC)
- HP Openview, BMC Patrol consulting
Last modified December 16, 2009
Copyright 1990-2010 Easyrider LAN Pro